About Us

Everything is possible! Our event agency stands for worldwide, unique events and we are always looking forward to fresh challenges.

With meanwhile more than 25 employees, as a full-service agency we offer a one-stop service. Our event agency stands for worldwide, unique events and we are always looking forward to fresh challenges.
No matter what or where – ELLIS EVENTS will make your event an unforgettable experience. Since 1987, ELLIS EVENTS is realizing exceptional events in a scale from 10 to 13.000 participants – national and international.

We know that every client has his own, individual hopes and objectives. Therefore, we do not offer prefabricated events, but personal and tailor-made experiences. Because every event is unique!

With more than 35 years of experience, we know where to find the difficulties, but every event needs his own and unique preparation. Therefore, we listen carefully to understand what fits best to you and your company. Only then, we are developing a plan and start the event – step by step. Reliability and transparency – this is what we stand for! We are your competent partner in all matters of events.